Juz Me~!

I'm A SUPER LOH SOH GUY~! I think i'm a Sanguine(high "I" person in the D.I.S.C personality test), hv extremes in mood(mood swings? i duno)... Nvm... BUt i chose to remain happy... ANyway, Life still goes on. So, might as well live it happy. N btw.. I'm XIAO MI FENG!! (my call-sign in BRC)

Friday, April 22, 2005

Nights out No.3

Whoa~~~ This week like alot of nights out eh... So Shuang... Make our week in here machiem very short lidat cos we can go out "tou tou qi"
Lt Yeo clearing his ORD leave liao... so shuang... we still hv to wait for 1 more yr~! Some of us book out to go so call give him a "farewell" party... go eat at some muslim food opp Beauty World.

New paper today reads:"3 incidents in 9 days. Jaguar escapes, serval cat attacks tourist, croc bites keeper."
i think BRC got another headlines:"Several incidents in 9 days(in camp). Encik ki siao... Stand by area, stand by bunk, stand by bed, fall in the HQ personnels every hr, demands super good marching to cook house by "ke-lu-wah-ba-ris" 7-8 times, suddenly checks the book-in book-out book n finds some who forgot to sign in then barred them frm booking out for the next book out"

After lunch went back to coy line... feeling demoralised. Went to S1 branch to make some spectacle claim ($20 better than nothing) then feel abit lifted in moral(got $$ ma!) went back to coy office... saw kenny printing huge numbers then sloting the papers in a piece of clear folder. Curious, as i'm always, i asked him wat's those for?(tot he kena arrowed to do some stupid stuffs by higher authorities) He said,"OH.. These ar? count down for ORD de.. Paste behind our bunk wall then update everyday... now still got 326 days... ORD loh..." NOw i know wat the BIG numbers r for... er... i think he too stress la.. lolx.

Was SUPER ANGRY with YIxiang la... when we return to camp, he bathe liao then ni wrapped in a towel then come over n lie on top of me!!!! i was super tired liao wana sleep de. Then i struggle struggle use alot of energy. then he finally go away but b4 tt pinched my neh neh super hard. after tt... I CANT SLEEP!!! my nipples super pain la... then i think use too much energy suddenly so awake. Toss on my bed till 1.30am lidat, went to toilet a few times(cos i think i oso drank too much water) bypass yixiang's bed.. saw him SOUNDLY ASLEEP... ARGHHH... SO angry... tt i wanted to while he was still sleeping, PINCH his nipples so hard till he wakes up la.... but i didnt.. too xin ruan liao... Haizzzz...


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