Juz Me~!

I'm A SUPER LOH SOH GUY~! I think i'm a Sanguine(high "I" person in the D.I.S.C personality test), hv extremes in mood(mood swings? i duno)... Nvm... BUt i chose to remain happy... ANyway, Life still goes on. So, might as well live it happy. N btw.. I'm XIAO MI FENG!! (my call-sign in BRC)

Friday, April 29, 2005

NIghts out after IPPT

Hmm.... Today got IPPT. Even though my knees r hurting, i still force myself to try. ANd tks to Pak Ki for his knee guard, i think it really helps alot. FOr the 1st time in history, I finally got so call "gold" results for my SBJ! and i oni did it twice~! Shuttle run too~! I realised it's really all abt the tactic not so mach abt the strength. NOw at least i can juz train hard on the running. BUt Sucks la... I tried n push myself very hard still... at the last round, i slowed down. got 10.31 i think... so far so far away frm my previous tiimin of 9.49~! Sian~! GOt running nose somemore but i realli did my best la.

Then after tt we got nights off.. tks to encik for he managed to convince OC to give us night out.. (1st time i tk him for something~! hahaha) OC is oso a big &%*&*^&%#^$^%#& Anyway, we went for nights out. HAhaha... Shannon again not able to book out cos he nvr participate then they borrowed his car out. Imagine, 6 ppl squeeze inside his so small beetle~! the 4 person behind suffering sia~! (and i'm one of them) We went parklane play.... Dota~! WOW~~~ I wanted to learn how to play PC games for so lon liao la.. finally had the chance. Herbert was beside me cos he promised to teach me de. THen thruout i was like bugging him like mad... "herber... herbert..." till i think he oso cant concentrate. I was like their easy prey la... Once see me can straight away kill me liao... to gain pts n money n experience. Sian~! i died like 22 times~! but fun la... i wana play again~!

Book in was a stressful experience. COs Encik was the BDO then he stayed in camp. Then we cant book in even a min late.... Kenneth Ng rode me back to camp rushing for time cos we left the place at 10.05 i think. Sia la... Whole journey Pray like siao~~! Wahahas... Tk GOd reach camp still in 1 piece.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Siao liao siao liao (part 2)

Guess wat happen yesterday? Encik "ki siao" again~! Whahahas...

Shannon was doing COS(company orderly sgt) duty yesterday afternoon when Encik got so bored...

Encik:"Sian ar... boring... aye.... Shannon, get me something to read so tt i wun get bored. U dun like me to be bored.. Cos i play with ppl when i'm tt."
Shannon(reading a book called "denial of the soul" tt moment):"Nah... Encik, this book is nice..." (pass the book to Encik)
Encik(took the book, look at the cover...):"Wah... dun wan la... I dun hv a soul so nvm.. get me something else." [tis i agree.. no soul de]
Shannon(desperate... looks for magazines in the drawers... then finally chanced a thick Yellow Pages book. Lame as he is always):"Eh.. Encik.. i think tis shld help u kill some time..." [(-_-)''']
Encik:"whoa.... yah... trying to be funny... gimme 20... 30... 40..."
Shannon took his time to get down in his push up position slowly so Encik increases the punishment. So he did 40.
Encik(looks over n saw the "safari bed" at the corner.. (one which the COS will sleep on during their duty at night):"Nvm.... all the COS must know how to assemble this."
[he's getting bored so he's playing shannon]
Encik(fingers now on this watch, already in stop-watch mode):"COS assemble safari bed!!!"
(Shannon stunned.... but quickly grabs the bed n got into action.)
*ping piang ping piang* (in-action)
Shannon(After a gruelling 4.25min... drops of sweat roll down shannon face):"Done!"
Encik:"Very slow... Nvm... COS strip safari bed"
*ping pang piang pang*(in-action)
Encik:"2.08mins... now u set a benchmark for the rest of the COS...."
(went over back to his table n records all the assembling n stripping timing by shannon on his white board)

Siao liao siao liao... Now the rest of the COS hv to compete with each other to get the best timing... so wat? the winner gets? More xtras? Whoa... *seh* siao liao siao liao... tks to shannon for his stunt... Wat yellow pages... *faint* Go get him FHM or New Man frm our dear tua neh neh (yixiang lar...)

Y liang?

This is to those wondering y liang is oso my name... ppl as clueless as my dear grand-daughter...

I used to be called Sng Chip Liang~! This name was given to me by my maternal grandfather. But then my father side they all dun like tis name... i heard cos my name is so call not giving respect to my elder...(my elder cousin who's called Sng Chip Yang) In Chinese, the brightness of "liang" is brighter then "yang" u see... so they dun like. Then my father brought my so call 8 characters to the "geomancer" or fortune teller then changed my name to Sng Zi Qin... oso they say if i'm called Chip Liang, i'll be a very fierce person... (ya la.. then ziqin i become like.... erm... ah gua?? (-_-)''' lolx.)

But my mum doesnt know my dad actually changed my name liao until she saw my birth cert then asked my father,"who's birth cert is tis ar?" Diaoxz... So since then my maternal side called me "ah liang" then my paternal side called my ziqin. (i call myself abel! wahahass).

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Dreamless night.. Finally?

Finally a night w/o dreams... u know wat? not cos i finally can hv a peaceful sleep but cos I CANT SLEEP~~! Sian to the MAX la!! I woke up at 1.30am go toilet (think i drank too much water) then after returning, CANT SLEEP!
1.30-- Toss n turn, toss n turn...
2.30-- Toss n turn, toss n turn, go toilet yet again, toss n turn, arm "ma bi" toss the other side, yet again toss n turn toss n turn...
3.30-- thirsty drink water, toss n turn toss n turn.. go toilet again... hungry.. eat my last packet of "jack n jill's" potato chips... drink water... toss n turn toss n turn... WENT TOILET AGAIN! (think my bladder got SERIOUS problem! anywayz...)
4.30-- Too hot... took out shirt... toss n turn... WENT TOILET!!!! Arghh... my pee like nvr ending de.. or my stomach can contain.. wat i drink, flows out... Sian!
5.15.. Shit... 45mins to reveille(wake up time)
Think i oni slept 45 mins lor... then watch alarm wake me up liao...

Today got SOC. Finally can see the Safety Rover... I'm still feeling sick (think oso not enuff sleep... dun hv 7hrs rest! lolx)... Running nose hvnt recover so din participate. Then got to supervise the troopers who have status to dig the ground so tt the ground is soft. After SOC supposely can rest but then Encik "ki Siao" again. say those who didnt do SOC are not allowed to go back bunk to rest. Needa do cleaning.. Frm morning 9.30 all the way till evening time 5.30~~~ (wat the~?) got so many things so clean meh? so i asked to troopers to do the cleaning REAAAALLLYYYYY SLLLOOWWWWLYYYY... then the thing is cos i was oso asked to supervise them, i cant sleep~! Sian! So tired. Eat medicine liao feel drowsy oso must keep myself awake. Then we finally so called finish cos really got nothing to clean anymore.. so ask the troopers to go back rest but then i think ENcik got to know abt it. Then give another order... "Ask them to go Gym frm 4.30to 5.30. Sian~ got to accompany them again. So obvious it's on purpose. TEKAN~!!!! Then the thing is the rest who did SOC can have nights out la... I was thinking by depriving us (those with status) frm going nights out is bad enuff still wana come out with so many things to so call make our life miserable~! Sian~!!! The thing is some of them is not "geng" one la.. some even got long term status cos they really got probs then got appt with specialist outside de... Does tt mean tt all those genuine cases hv no choice but to continue not having nights out n kept being arrowed to do SAI GANG?

Weird Dream No.2?

I duno why these few days keep dreaming... And they are so weird~!
My this 2nd dream goes like this...

My family was re-united in this dream. We were on my dad's car then reach tis HDB place then parked at the carpark. When we got out, we saw a grp of abt 3-4 ppl trying to unscrew the wheels of some cars... as in stealing the car parts. Then for duno wat reason, my dad n mum join these guys oso.. so they were busy "stealing" parts frm those surrounding cars. *faint* Then i was worried cos they steal more n more n taking alot of time. They replace our old car parts with those new parts they stole. So i joined in cos i "gan jiong"(taking too much time)...Then while my mum just managed to take out a car wheel frm a certain car, the car owner out of no where appearedn caught my mum red-handed. Then our operations stopped. The 3-4 guys initially with us oso suddenly disappear. *sian*

They called the police n we acted blur but then the police woman came. She approached my mum who's now sitting at the void deck (y didnt we run away?) Then my mum cried but she gave the policewoman other's ppl son ID claiming to me. Then she say i forced her to do it *faint* then the police woman approached me and asked if the ID she's holding is me... i looked at the ID n realised it's a makeover neoprint~! (wat the?) So i played along and say "it's me". The police woman still blur blur say i look very handsome in the ID n say i very clever in disguising myself. *diao~~*

Of cos i denied i was stealing the car parts then suddenly got 1 kepo appeared frm no-where holding a digi-cam claiming he had video clips of me trying to unscrew the car wheel (*faint even more*) Then........... I woke up. *seh~~* wat a weird and stupid dream... CAn someone interpret for me? Whahaha

Siao Liao Siao Liao~~~!

Today is juz oni the 1st day then it seems like everybody went crazy liao~~ We woke up in the morning then we got tis IPPT training. Well it's supposed to be in PT attire (as in singlets n shorts) But Lt Clement wants those with Status, as in given Excuse Upper/ Lower limb by the M.O (medical officer), fall-in in army LONG NO.4! Then those with back problems to fall-in in army LONG NO.4 with WEBBING~! SMS?? It nvr happen before la.. Then still say,"Guys... it's not tekan arhz...Juz get used to it..." I was like huh? (wat the~?) if this doesnt sound like tekan then wat is tis? Then end up they oni sit down there with the attire then see us do all the statics la... So lame~! Tk God after tt they cancel the combat run. Whao~~~

Then after last parade, Lt Clement book out to see his dentist cos he got some problems with his teeth, then Encik went home. Whoa~~ So shiok~! No officers(cos Lt Yeo clearing ORD leave), no Encik, "bo cheng hu"!! Wahahaas... We sgts suddenly become the biggest "F***" in the company. Went to the lecture room then watch DVD.

Monday, April 25, 2005

A Weird Dream

I had a very weird dream yesterday... COs b4 tt i was toking to my cousin. THen we tok abt alot of things... mostly abt... LIFE issues? Then we tok abt religion n army n family n stuffs. Exchanged some views n learnt quite alot. THen i dreamt... I dreamt tt i t spoke of the wrong things n i have to be punished. i dreamt tt i was caged up awaiting to be beaten... Then my "beater" came... BOth holding a baton in their hands. It was my pastor n my bde RSM(wat the~!) then they told me i did it unknowingly then i can wear helmet but still they hv to beat me. (Diao~~! (-_-)''')
SO they hit a few times then i passed out, when i so called awoke in my dream, i was lying in the hospital bd full of injuries then when i looked myself into the mirror, i realised my upper left jaw 3rd molar tooth was dangling so i tried to remove it but then the nerve was connected to the 2nd molar then the 2nd molar tooth oso dropped out. Walao... then the thing is the 2nd molar nerve is connected to my 1st molar tooth then is threatening to fall out as well... so i stopped trying to pluck it out, then the next moment, my upper left half jaw CAME OUT~! Together with my gums n tooth. I tried to put back but it cant be done. THen i woke up...

BOliao~~~ Wat a dream. a "bohghay" dream. Can someone be my joseph? Interpret my dreams? Wahahas...

Err.. to my campmates who'll read my blog... PLs try no to read my blog in the MESS liao, i'll try not to blog in camp too oso. IF not die~~ wahahas... Encik saw my 1st blog liao already quite "jialat" then i oso got links to other campmates who tok abt him too... So if i kena, the rest oso kena, we all die~!

Sunday, April 24, 2005


Yipee~ I passed my 1st bike practical lesson. !st time there oni then suddenly advanced to do n finish wat they rest need like 2-3 times b4 they can complete. So next lesson will be on lesson 2 liao.. SO happy. IF oni i can continue at this rate, sure can get my license very soon. got like 8 practicals together, so if i clear one every time, i'll save alot of $$ n TIme~! Well, Let me juz hope for the best.

Booked the next week sat for practical liao. HOpe tt the instructors will be the same tt took me today cos they r really nice~! They see i can do it a few times then dun bother abt me liao cos they believe i can do it. I heard some instructors even when they heard or know tt u had experience riding, they oso dun give a damn. THen while doing the mini "slalom" (cornering) kept riding in twist n turns, the instrctor was behind me n keep saying... "Hey go faster la.. u experience rider leh... see i'm banging into u liao..." the thing is the one in front of me is quite slow then if i go faster i sure hit him de...(actually i oso quite slow la).

GOing JB liao... EAT SEAFOOD! YUM YUM~! *drool*

Saturday, April 23, 2005

So Sway~!

Today we had SOC no.2. Suddenly felt "garang" wana try so despite my status (i got excuse Running, jumping n marching for 1 week... actually can extend till my appt with the specialist appt in june de but then i nvr la.. later eat n nvr excercise sure grow fat de~!) i joined in. TAMADE(sorry for tis)... Then Encik asked us to clear with oni our rifle. (cos we 1st round everything on, our webbing, our rifle, our helmet then 2nd round took out helmet, 3rd round took out webbing... 1 item at a time take out then do ALL over again tt kind) then i injured myself when i jumped down the "low wall" (hello... quite high le~) the rifle banged on my back then my back kena scratched n bruised.

After that we were allowed to go Specs Mess Relax.... Benjamin so nice.. treat me eat lunch(chicken cutlet!) Then we were outside toking when Encik came to tok to us.. ok la.. relax tok. then i suggested to him maybe next time when we do the SOC, dun let us do oni with the rifle cos it's not safe... many of us injured our back when we did tis... u know wat he say? "hmm... pt taken. good suggestion" then paused then he continue... "then since u say dun take off anything then next time instead of removing, we add la? good idea right? after each round put 2 dummy magazines, then after tt put dummy grenade... oh... goood good" (i almost fainted) Walao... i think i quite big mouth le... tot can give some safety points end up like slapping myself. Then the BIG REASON WHY I CHANGED MY BLOGSITE===> Before Encik come out of the Mess to tok to us, he was surfing using the Mess computer... then i think some of the ppl read my blog then got type out my blog which is saved inside the dropped down address thingy..(oni the administrator can delete the history) he clicked on my blog then... my blog in an instance flashed on the screen!!! n i guess HE READ EVERYTHING~! *my bottock kai hua liao" Aeron called me to tell me de. SIAN to the MAX manz~! NO wonder when i suggested something so good then like back-fire lidat.

Since now i changed my add then i think i can tok more abt him. IT'S MY BLOG~! I DUN CARE. (but i dun hv the balls to remain the previous blog so tt he can read my future entries) =P He conducted the whole SOC without a SAFETY ROVER, NO SAFETY OFFICER, NO CONDUCTING OFFICER, NO SUPERVISING OFFICER! (he can be charged de.. i think...) then halfway thru the SOC, his fone rang. He picked up n tis is wat i hear... "AH.... YAh... Safety officer?.... Wu(yes in hokkien)... meng zai leh(i duno in hokkien)... ah..." then he walked away...
i presume the whole conversation is like tis:
Caller: "aye... Jeffery ah"(our ENcik)
Encik: "Ah..."
Caller: "Aye... ler(you in hokkien) conduct SOC ah?"
Encik: "Yah..."
Caller: "Wu Safety OFFICER bo?" (got safetly officer?)
Encik: "Safety officer? Wu...."
Caller: "Siang?" (who in hokkein)
Encik: "Meng zai leh..."
Wahahas... Smoke oso duno how to smoke properly... GOt trapped.. HAiz... our MING KU AR~~~
Bruise frm SOC. Sianx~! WHere's my nurse?

Friday, April 22, 2005

Lover no.2 n ME~! (with a fake tatoo! wahaha)

Nights out No.3

Whoa~~~ This week like alot of nights out eh... So Shuang... Make our week in here machiem very short lidat cos we can go out "tou tou qi"
Lt Yeo clearing his ORD leave liao... so shuang... we still hv to wait for 1 more yr~! Some of us book out to go so call give him a "farewell" party... go eat at some muslim food opp Beauty World.

New paper today reads:"3 incidents in 9 days. Jaguar escapes, serval cat attacks tourist, croc bites keeper."
i think BRC got another headlines:"Several incidents in 9 days(in camp). Encik ki siao... Stand by area, stand by bunk, stand by bed, fall in the HQ personnels every hr, demands super good marching to cook house by "ke-lu-wah-ba-ris" 7-8 times, suddenly checks the book-in book-out book n finds some who forgot to sign in then barred them frm booking out for the next book out"

After lunch went back to coy line... feeling demoralised. Went to S1 branch to make some spectacle claim ($20 better than nothing) then feel abit lifted in moral(got $$ ma!) went back to coy office... saw kenny printing huge numbers then sloting the papers in a piece of clear folder. Curious, as i'm always, i asked him wat's those for?(tot he kena arrowed to do some stupid stuffs by higher authorities) He said,"OH.. These ar? count down for ORD de.. Paste behind our bunk wall then update everyday... now still got 326 days... ORD loh..." NOw i know wat the BIG numbers r for... er... i think he too stress la.. lolx.

Was SUPER ANGRY with YIxiang la... when we return to camp, he bathe liao then ni wrapped in a towel then come over n lie on top of me!!!! i was super tired liao wana sleep de. Then i struggle struggle use alot of energy. then he finally go away but b4 tt pinched my neh neh super hard. after tt... I CANT SLEEP!!! my nipples super pain la... then i think use too much energy suddenly so awake. Toss on my bed till 1.30am lidat, went to toilet a few times(cos i think i oso drank too much water) bypass yixiang's bed.. saw him SOUNDLY ASLEEP... ARGHHH... SO angry... tt i wanted to while he was still sleeping, PINCH his nipples so hard till he wakes up la.... but i didnt.. too xin ruan liao... Haizzzz...

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Nights out no.2

Today i skipped SOC cos feeling very sick. Then got to do "sai gang"... use the Entrenching tool to dig n soften the sand in the SOC ground. Actually we're not allowed to do SOC de... cos COS ground is under maintainence.... But Encik told us to remove all the white tapes n the display signs... then brigade RSM saw.. (oppsss) then tot something will happen, then end up nothing. CHEY~~~!

Today nothing much... slept the whole day.. Then got nights out... for those ppl who did SOC. Chey~~~! but then surprisingly LT YEO asked me y i didnt book out. (haha.. maybe he dunno) but then i still din go for it cos i oso duno where to go... wana save $$ oso. Wana "bao chou" oso cos kena cheated by shannon yesterday... so when he bugged me to go out, i refused... WAHAHAAs...

Felt bad to ask my both lovers to replace me do safety specs for the range yesterday cos we tot is half day de then end up they had to stayed for the night shoot. then somemore no nights out for them.... aiya~~~ how i know~~~ then "bo bian" let yixiang "rape" abit make him happy lor~ *qua qua* wahaaha...

Aeron(non-committed lover no.2/ mistress) in the lecture whisper to me to take note of wateva Encik has to say so tt i can put in my blog... wahahas.. but then today he nvr say anything i can comment la.. cos it makes sense. (teaches us how to gives good lecture n presentation) maybe next time then i blog abt tis. Not sure whether if they asked us to conduct tis type of thing to so call "boost" our power in the coy.. (not useful leh.. to me is another "arrow" job)

Then aeron told me he oso got blog liao.... Say oso gonna be farnie.. Eeeeee... copy me de.. oh ya... then yesterday b4 book out, herbert actually told LT YEO i had blog then say is very interesting, say got wat "encik teachings". Walao... HERBERT... tis type of thing how can let the officers know de? haiz.. but nvm la.. hope LT yeo will not "bao toh" me to Encik if not my 2 hands oso not enuff to sign the xtras he'll arrow me to do. lolx. then i die~~ all the weekend duties sure i kena then i think no needa book out for the rest of the yr till ORD... then i'll call my mum say,"Hello... mummy ah... frm today onwards u wun see me return home anymore till ORD liao..." (bcos "bao" all the weekend duties ma... *faint* joking oni.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Erm... Nights out no.1 for tis week?

Yesterday got ATP, Tot i was going to get marksman tis time... BUT... when i heard tt they will not a any practice shoot, juz 3 mags of 4 rounds then go ahead with the test, i know i wouldnt hv much chance liao... Reason they gave? "Save ammo tis year~!" Whoa... wat a good reason. *FAINT* It rained so heavily in the day then the whole range ground is so SUPER wet la... ATP still hv to run down then prone(lay flat on the ground on ur stomach). When i run, my boots cos the sole abit spoil then water got in.. ARGH~! then run got the "squach squach squach" sound... then when i reach the 200m mark, i prone on the wet ground sheet(put oso no use... supposed to make u dry de) then got up whole front was wet.. (Underwear oso wet.. dun believe coma n check) LOLX. All the fig12 cant get. So in the day, i oni got 13/24 shots, i sian by half liao... then the night shoot anyhow shoot. I can pass la.. but i cant get marksman le.. so HARD~! This year din even wana go for re-shoot. Juz Sian.... Disapponted. Like wat Irene told me last yr, "it's not the end of the world wat?" haha... ya la... "fly away~~ my two hundred doll-lers..." (sing to the FIR "fly away" tune) So back duno wat happen caught the cold bug... had running nose. whoa~~~ Sian another half. But tks to Yixiang(lover no.6) n Terence(lover no.5). they took over me n shawn to be safety specs for the range. Wahaha.... they not my lovers for nothing lor...

Still cant find the record for the guard duty i tot i did.. Sian was i really dreaming? Encik says,"too bad..." Walao... nvr keep record de... but then i still managed to get 1 record la.. better than nothing... rather do COS then do guard commander lo...

MY fling~~~ MR RICH N HANDSOME... Kept asking me to book out with him la even though i dun feel like... then say wat... gonna eat supper at 8.30pm.. time now is 8.50. He's still in his room bathing! i think he inside for 1 hr liao.. (now at his hse using his comp). Walao.. ALWAYS late de... cant STAND IT. LATER SEE HIM WANA *BISH* his nose liao... tml got SOC! DIE~! still sick.. *sniff sniff.. Maybe report sick tml. Whahahas...

Monday, April 18, 2005

Peaceful Week?

Hmm.... how come i feel like tis week so free lidat ar?? Orhz... Cos Kenneth Ng's not here! No wonder HP so quiet. Usually he'll call me to go out de... Hmm... feel abit uneasy suddenly. Wahahas... (Kenneth, pls dun get the wrong idea k? juz tt i feel i'm too used to go out with u on sunday liao then suddenly u not here... Arrrr *revelation* ... SO dun Misunderstand k?) Maybe lidat oso good la... save $$ if not always go out sure spend $$ de.

Irene says she read my blog juz now then she cant stopped laughing. Then i was thinking really tt funny meh? Then i go back read myself... ok la quite farnie de. (not really on purpose, juz writing down wateva i feel) Whaha... *crazy* But I feel very happy la... cos i like to make ppl laugh de... (or isit i always like to make a fool of myself?) NVM... it doesnt matter... n hey~! MY BOOKS LEI? =P

So fast needa book in liao... duno wat lies ahead of us... Then oso needa go find out wat r the dates tt i did guard duty before becos my BELOVED ENCIK dun hv a record for those tt i did. SIan! JUz last fri i went to check it out. Spent like 30-45 mins like a "kuku" bugging the personnels at the guard hse for the record books n flipping thru PAGES to see if my name's there... Stood there n attract stares like duno wat, sweat like duno wat cos it's so hot in my CV attire. Sian! cos after everything, i oni found 1 n i remember i did TWICE so far~! Cant be dreaming wat... even if dream oso muz dream nice things, y wuld i ever dream tt i'm on guard duty? *faint* Maybe i shall go bug them 1 more time... or... ask somebody to do it? Wahahas.. duno la... JUZ SIAN~! ATP tml... HOpe can get marksman! n $$ bonus!

Cant wait to go JB next week... wahahas... torture ourselves by going foot reflexology n stuff ourselves with EAT SEAFOOD n KFC! And my 1st bike practical lesson is next week too~! CANT WAIT...

ME: (Closes eyes n goes into trance, rubs the monitor as if it's a GENIE LAMP)"Owwhh... Ohhh... Mi-ni-ma-ni-mi-ni-mor... May tis week pass quickly in an blink of an eye!"
(blink 1 time) "Aye... still here... try again."
(blink 2nd time n looks left, right) "Aye... Still here lei"
(blink a few more times *blink* *blink* *blink*) "Haiz.. STILL HERE!! Argh..." *pi-piak* slapped myself back to reality.
Somtimes how i wish i hv magic powers... LOLX. Hmm.. better not say much later strike by lightning. =P

Sunday, April 17, 2005

It's time to reveal~! Muahaha...

Lover No.1 n ME~!

Nothing much to do day...

Blogging has nvr been so easy~! Tks to Hui juan for her "enlightenment"... she told me i can actually change my web settings to ENGLISH~! NOw i can read n understand the instructions clearly. Wahahas...
Was actually bugged by Shannon to go COCO yesterday but i dun wana go... (waste $)Then he suggested going to his place n watch DVD. Though very tired, i agreed. Went there... sat on the sofa n was watching the show for.... hmm... 5mins? then i dozed off... *qua qua* he woke me up at 3am after the whole show, then went up to his room to sleep. So actually i went there juz to sleep instead of accompanying him to watch DVD. lolx. =P I even "took" his breakfast! (his mum say give me de)
Dragged him to go jogging with me the next day... He everytime late de... last min say wana go "pang sai" sian... actually met at 1.30pm then end up oni started jogging at 3.15pm lidat. Then it drizzle... sian.. so angry almost wana box his nose. The sun actually quite nice, can jog n tan at the same time de... He "tu tu tu the time" until the dark clouds come... Arghh... Sian~! wahaha...
Actually i really appreciate him for being such a great fren to me. He opened up my life n expose me to alot of new stuffs which i think if not for him, i wouldnt hv the chance to experience. Things like, going wake-boarding la(got speed boat)... go swimming in his pent hse condo... bookin in n out of camp n going clubbing w/o worrying abt transport... going KL with accomdation at his hotel room... Can "su ga su ga" go IKEA in the morning for breakfast then i "shun bian" do some shopping there...Blah Blah... MAn... I feel so blessed to be his neighbour~! Wahaha.... Envious ma? (oei... u gota pay me money for saying so many good stuffs abt u lei... advertisement fee) *pengz*
p/s: so can i dun return u the $ i owe u? joking la...

The rest of the day do nothing much... Think i hv to start saving up if i wana get myself a bike real soon... hmm... I WANT PHANTOM! PHANTOM! (repeats Million times, punching my fist into the air as i recite it... till sleeping time) Zzzzzz.... Phhhhhaaaannnnnn-toooooom... hmm... Zzzzzz.... *snores* n *drools*

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Encik Teachings (PArt 1)

"As a good commander... we always hv to take very good care of our men. To always be on the lookout for them n their welfare... even sacrificing for them. For example, if i got 1 more biscuit left. I'll not eat it. I'll 1st break it n give half to the trooper then i eat the other half. Their welfare must come 1st. (thinks for awhile) No.. Wrong... If i ever have 1 last biscuit with me, i'll give them half today then keep the other half for them tml... That's the kinda attitude i want frm u guys"
I sat there thinking... "so we starve to death, then no one to take care of them then they die oso la? siao ar~ where got such logic 1? 1st one still okie... but dun eat? keep for them tml? eh... sorry ar~"

Irony--> While in Thailand, we got maggie mee shortage. Then we request for somemore maggie mees... but then the HQ personnels says,"Sorry ah... we cant give out anymore... the 1 box (Hello? 1 box~!= 20 packets lidat ar)inside the tonner is for Encik n OC. Cant give u all... we still got alot of COMBAT RATIONS. U wan u can take~" (how i wish n i almost wana show my middle finger. whahas)
Aiya.. Say say oni... i oso can.. show us u can oso not eat the maggie mee n give us welfare lor~

Te-Kan Week~!

I think i have alot to say abt this week but i forgot ALL! i got goldfish memory la... hiaz... if oni i can logged on blogger on everyday in the MESS. So i guess i'll have to summarise the whole week lor.
YES! It's a tekan week for us~! While all the rest enjoying themselves in SYF, some in taiwan enjoying scenery, we had PT training almost EVERYDAY~! Once we did 210 jumping jets n almost 100 push-ups! Got endurance run, combat run, pt training inserted into the training program like free lidat la~! *faint* NOw i cant even lift my arms up... Aching! N i realised i'm become so much weaker! I can oni do 6-8 pull-ups manz... So Paiseh!!! Needa start training. HAHA... WELCOME U GUYS FRM SYF TO SUFFER WITH US NEXT WEEK!
THis week oso got 2 nights out. Cool. THen kena stopped by some Prudential Agents.. Walao... They're EVERYWHERE~! Then end up signing a policy which helps me invest my CPF. Aiya.. invest lo... anyway inside oso no use... make sure EARN $$ hor... If not i tear down the office manz.. lolx.
I was COS (Company Orderly Sgt) on tue... SUPER BUSY! Telephone kept coming in like duno wat. I was the Reception(pick up fone), Secretary(type attendance), Newspaper man(collect Newspapers), Teacher(teaches the new officers how to use HMT), Key-man(as in ppl draw keys or return keys frm me) in 1 day! hey... SAF gota pay me more for doing all these man~! lolx.
Happen to read a section of a book Shawn's reading'"SLACK" i like the book man...
Quote:"Legacy of the nineties has been a dangerous coporate DELUSION: "The idea tt organisation r effective oni to the extent that ALL their workers are totally n eternally busy. Anyone who's not overworked (eg. their oni free time to meet up is maybe 2 wks later) is looked on with SUSPICION. People havin a little held time on their hands are not safe."
Which lead me to this--> Encik this week like got PMS lidat. Punish the HQ personnels like duno wat. Make them (se-dia) n (se-nang-di-ri) for like 50x then stand by area, stand by bunk, stand by BED!! Stress~ Then ransack their cupborards probably looking for some illegal stuffs. (Tk God nvr see mine... mine's worse than PIG STY) His Temper was so bad he was on the verse of "charging" ppl la. He like "jia ba bo sai pang". So scary... I try my BEST to Avoid meeting him in the coy office, "smoke out" most of the time. i need some SLACK! so i can be more effective ma. lolx.
Kenneth.N called me frm overseas~! Well, i appreciate tt but... SIAO AR??? WASTE $$!
Booked my 1st bike practical lesson on the 23rd. So excited.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Lo Bo Day~~

Wahahas... Can u believe it? There's nobody around to fight over the use of internet in the SPECs MESS la~ Coz the TC's all went Taiwan, the rest involved in SYF. Only 3 specs ard. (Me- Platoon 1, Shawn- Platoon 2 n Yao Shang- [the disputed Platoon 3!]) Then i super slack la.. Wahahas.. *But abit lonely oso de*
I rush all the way excited to use the MSN messenger in the mess.. but then to my disappointment, IT'S GONE~! Somebody uninstall n deleted it then cant install it cos got to go thru wat administrator~. SIANZ~ Y MUZ IT HAPPEN NOW WHEN NOBODY IS FIGHTING OVER THE USE OF IT WITH ME? hmmmph... >.<
Came to blog.... Realised My PIcs on the page is gone~! (i forced it in de cos i use "img src." thingy....) How come ar? Guys... isit ALL along it isnt there? Then ar... i realised the log in page can be in ENGLISH~! THEN I CAN ACTUALLY POST MY PICS THERE W/O ANY "IMG" THINGY thru my settings~! SIAN~! I dun understand y everytime when i log on to blogger login page at home, it shows CHINESE la! Then i got SUPER hard time figuring out wat each line means... IT'S SO MUCH EASIER IN ENGLISH LA~! N i all along tot blog is done by some ppl frm china~~ (-_-)'''(think i needa brush up on my chn... for ur info, i oni know how to speak but i duno how to write or read in CHN. Always got D7 in class during JC n miracuously got a C6 in A's-- Even my oral is ONLY A PASS!!!)
Hahaa... Oso here to clarufy something... Actually Encik doesnt know abt those activities we did la... He juz happen to mention it to show the extent how an ANGEL i'm! (can shui shui bian bian.... u noe u noe?)
To LT Goh, Lt Lai, LT Rean, Hong Quan(love no.1), Kenneth Ng(love no.2), Kenneth Fang(love no.3), Jingsheng(love no.4), Joel(love no.9) n Jonas... BON VOYAGE~! SEE YA IN 1 PIECE ON 3MAY! Then we shall see which team is so Lucky enuff to get chosen to be attached to 4SIR for their ATEC n 3 teams who'll be attached to some arty company for their exercises in NEW ZEALAND~! (i think..or Australia lo) Anyhow, i wish i'm chosen to go to the oversea de... Wahahas...
TML COS~ sian... rotting... Maybe read Bible. lolx.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

New Beginning

Reason? I just signed up for my class 2b online~! yipee... hope it wun take long b4 i get my bike licence. It's the 1st step! Cheong 2 online lessons.. but quite lost leh... duno how to go book practical lessons n duno when i can take the theory test. Think hv to go down personally 1 day.
Anyway, went clubbing with some of my camp-mates to coco-latte yesterday. Kenneth Fang drives wor~! so good... the moment passed TP nia got car to drive. Now BRC specs got 7 drivers! (if i din calculate wrongly) n 1 rider (i'll be joining him soon i hope). The place small n cosy... at 1st tot it wuldnt be fun. yah la.. oni fun when we all go crazy together. Alvin dance like robot purposely. I kept making a fool of myself... trying to pole-dance (failed). Disturb Shannon when he danced with a hot good dancer.. She's oni 18! lolx. It's oso a kinda chill out b4 Ken.F n Ken.N goes for Taiwan~! Apart frm those going Taiwan, the rest all got involved in SYF. Only me n Shawn hv to book in on sun.. to take care of the troopers. Sian... Maybe sai gang week again. SO fast 5 days MC gone lidat. *cry...
Yipee.. Got my pay! Endorsed my Silver IPPT got xtra allowance. Haiz.. if oni tt time i jumped further by 4cm, run faster by 5secs... Then i'll hv GOld! $100 differnce lei can do so much with it! Given my condition now i dun think i can ever get Gold lei. Stupid bike accident~! ("buang" when i slept while riding in Thailand... lolx. Tt time super sick n tired. Kness still ache) arghh~~~
Going Cell Grp now. Dun think i'm going anywhere today. Tired tml still hv to go for Svc.

Friday, April 08, 2005

MC day 5

Wat the~! Finally can come here. Was trying to log on to tis the WHOLE day la~ this is the 3rd time i'm writing tis but not as farnie as the 1st one liao i think cos lost the essence liao... arghhhh...
Anyway, let's get back to business. Excited to share my "chou si" (ugly stuffs). (-_-)'''
Today is the end of my MC... But no needa book in... yeah~ tt means i got long week out... And Pay's coming!!!
1st thing in the morning, hp "BEep Beep"-- reads "Kenneth Fang,(my camp lover no.3)passed his TP! (whoa... so good...when's my turn?) SMS him to congratulate him then he replied next time we can drive "wulu places hv car *censored*". (-_-)''' Wat the~~! but jokingly of cos! wahaha...
Yesterday actually they (Shannon n Kenneth Ng) wana go chiong de, Shannon la, insist going out la cos he say he bathe, gel hair n put perfume liao... if not can slack at his hse hv "MALIBU PINEAPPLE" again. But i kept nagging saying it's boring then bo bian ended up in Kbox sing till 5am! (Sucks... tot i promised myself not to go for such taxing activities anymore?) Miraculously i can Tahan! maybe cos i slept to much the past few days! lolx. It was ladies nite at Kbox then Shannon say over the counter "then tt means he half price la? (pointing to me) Tks eh~! Throughout they like eat wrong medicine! they sing sad love songs then wallow they dun hv GF then touched me! try to pinch my neh neh la... say wat wana grab my BALL BALL. Wat the~! *bish* punch them like siao then let them smell my socks manz... SICKOs~! Kenneth Ng stayed over my place.
And if tt's not enough, Kenneth Ng told me Encik mentioned abt me when i was on MC. (Tot it was something good)It was like any other day when Encik gives "lectures" on how to be good commanders(w/c sometimes he cant do it himself) and goes,"... in the coy, there must be good and evil commanders... like angels n demons, u know, hv u guys read the book? Angels n Demons? ah... the Devil is someone like Kenneth Ng, pumps the tropper like siao. Then the angel ar... is like.... our beloved Sng.... (*paused for awhile)... let ppl F*** backside oso can..." (Everybody laughs hysterically) (-_-)''' Wat the~! Tks encik! HOw i wish i can include the emoticon showing the middle finger here. BUt the thing is.... HOW HE KNOWS SIA? wahahas... Maybe was caught in the act when YiXiang (Camp LOver NO.6) or Kenneth Ng "raped" me or i screamed till the coy office can hear (And tt's LOUD~!) lolx. WHY? Sec Sch lidat, (with ppl like You Teck, Kenny, the 6 musketeers) NS oso lidat~! WEI SE MO? JIU MING AR~! WO SI YUAN WANG DE~! NAN DAO "LANG GAH" face YEH YOU CUO? TIAN AR~!
Spoil my reputation leh.
Slowly i'll reveal all my lovers in camp. Wahahas. (Machiam like the Angels n Demons where the cardinal's murder is slowly revealed) Hope Irene gets the "Secret of Angels n Demons" book for me. *Hint HInt
This week like alot of GAY SHIT for me leh. ANd how come i so LOH SOH today? Wahahas... maybe it's the beginning of the weekend n PAY"S coming~! I know u guys exams over liao so my pay's saving for KTV sessions n movies with u guys! i still owe someone movie~!
Hope next week no more gay liao. lolx. (-_-)'''

MC day 4


Sng goes visit Abel to interview him how's it like having a 5 days MC after removing his 3rd wisdom tooth.

Sng:"Hi Abel, how's ur diet like these fews days?"
Abel:"Poh-tay-tohs, poh-tay-tohs, poh-tay-tohs~! Neber in my lifeef i ate so mooch poh-tay-tohs... Now my face looksss lyke poh-tay-tohes (cos swollen ma~~ hello~?) NOw i sound lyke 1 too! wahahax (u know "chia gang dang" ppl sipeks powderful england?) Getting abit sick ouf it liaozz... Maybi can take foto n show~ Nah.. u wan soomme anotz?"
Sng: (-_-)"'

Sng: "Then how r u feeling now so far?"
Abel: "Fee-ling bettoor liaox.. At leest not so painful animores. I ting the si-well oso subside abit. Feel lyke gog-ing out but kept rwayning de! Think stay at hoomme la... Dun wana go out "xian Chou". Oredi quite Lang Gah Face liao still wana go out show my Lang Gah + siwo-llen poh-tay-toh face? I ting by the time i si-tep out, whole siwreet become quiet.. hmmm..(everybody goes hiding INSTANTLY) but stay at hoomme oso sian... Nothing to do.
Go out la...
Stay la...
Go out la...
Stay la...
(repeats above for x10000000000000 times till night comes)
Sng: Zzzzzz
(Interview not able to carry on coz Abel starts his endless loop deciding whether to go out or not~!)

Abel: "Harlow harloe~~ Door tt way pls... dun drool on my oredi blood stained pillow!"

**(Pardon Abel's language. He's not able to speak well due to his swollen gum! Talk like "lau hong" lidat)


So does this explains why i'm Hot, yet Single n "Pevertly? Gay? NO QUALITY!

Your Love Life by lpfloatsmyboat
favorite color:
best physical quaility:nothing really :(
best personality trait:nothing...nothing at all
will you marry your bf/gf that you have now?no
when will you get married?April 26, 2020
your kiss is:meaningful!
People date you because:you're everything they want in a girl/guy
Quiz created with MemeGen!

I'm Hot! *drool

Are you hott? by evildj23
First Name
Guy or Gal
Your hottness is10...WOW! ARE U SINGLE?!?!
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Yah! And i'm a perverted gay too~!

I'm Gay!!! Wahahas...

Wat the? I'm a perverted gay~! (i can see my 9 lovers, 2 mistresses, 1 fling began nodding their head) And i always tot Pink is the ah-gua colour~. When i put Green, it says i'm "Straight as a Rod" but the rest of the colours, White, Black, Grey either says i'm "Bi-Sexual" or "Gay" lolx. only i find tis comment farnie~!

Gay or Not Gay?
by tashay17
LJ Name
Favorite Color
Gay or Not Gay?Not only gay, but a pervert too.
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Thursday, April 07, 2005

My ambigram!

MC day 3

Argh.. woke up with a boring note! NOthing to do. Chatted with Irene n Kenneth Ng- 2nd lover (slacker sia... early in the morning can go Mess use internet) in MSN (erm.. at least something to do? haha). Eating mashed potatoes again!(but i like~!) hahaha.

Read the 28fed05 Newsweek abt Pope John Paul II and the Catholics. Realised wateva "rituals" they perform after Pope dies is the same as how it was described in Dan Brown's "Angels n Demons". I think Dan Brown is really a very good writer. He's able to fuse facts n fiction together. (mis-leading somemore... His Da Vinci Code almost stumbled my christian frens) Anyway, his books brought me closer to the Vatican City where all these things will happen. (already read ALL his books) oh i've got an AMBIGRAM! designed by my Fling- Shannon. cool stuff!
NOw reading on the Messiah Code.Better finishes it before Alvin pester me for it again! (Why am i always reading those ANTI-CHRISTIANITY books ar? Nvm.. my Faith is STRONG! Wahahas...)

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Benjamin and Shannon

Suits Me?

You scored as Christianity. Your views are most similar to those of Christianity. Do more research on Christianity and possibly consider being baptized and accepting Jesus, if you aren't already Christian.

Christianity is the second of the Abrahamic faiths; it follows Judaism and is followed by Islam. It differs in its belief of Jesus, as not a prophet nor historical figure, but as God in human form. The Holy Trinity is the concept that God takes three forms: the Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Ghost (sometimes called Holy Spirit). Jesus taught the idea of instead of seeking revenge, one should love his or her neighbors and enemies. Christians believe that Jesus died on the cross to save humankind and forgive people's sins.



















Which religion is the right one for you? (new version)
created with QuizFarm.com

MC day 2

Went wake-boarding with shannon again.. (xtra for the 2nd time) tis time round got Benjamin to join us. (aiya.. next time got $$ then i try) anyway, Ben did quite well.. managed to stand for a few sec... once he got so much water resistance tt the water kept splashing his face! (quite funny). then after tt went back home slept the whole day! nothing to do. Sian! gum still hurts!

Tuesday, April 05, 2005


Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com

What Is Your Best Sexual Skill?
Flirting Skill Level - 82%
Kissing Skill Level - 48%
Cudding Skill Level - 27%
Sex Skill Level - 57%
Why They Love You You know how to push their buttons.
Why They Hate You They can't bend the way you want them to.
This fun quiz by lady_wintermoon - Taken 2019926 Times.
New! Get Free Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz

LOok at this cool shit! different ratings for different Sexuality! so far tis 2 is the highest scores.. i tried the gay one.. score too low to be shown. wahahas... try it!

What Is Your Best Sexual Skill?
Flirting Skill Level - 73%
Kissing Skill Level - 30%
Cudding Skill Level - 60%
Sex Skill Level - 75%
Why They Love You You are too sexy for words.
Why They Hate You You kiss better than them.
This cool quiz by lady_wintermoon - Taken 2019907 Times.
New! Get Free Daily Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz

Monday, April 04, 2005

I���m New~!

wahahas.. think i hv to catch up with time. everybody seems to hv this blog thingy.. guess i wana kepo abt tis cool stuffs too! er... maybe i shld juz start up with... HELP!! i juz removed my 3rd wisdom tooth. this time is impacted! so went thru operation. (they wrapped me like mummy in the operating room) GOt 5 days MC! (hmm.. duno to be happy or wat coz i'll be spending 5 boring days at home!-- eating soft food? arghh.. i want my "chang yue han yin!!!" )
ME trying hard to smile with my swollen gums
His jump
me and my fling!